As an employer, there are many benefits to recruiting an MA or offering a Modern Apprenticeship to an existing staff member.
Not only will you be developing enthusiastic young talent with the exact skills and experience your industry requires, but depending on individual circumstances, you could also access funding from Skills Development Scotland towards the delivery costs of your chosen MA Qualifications.
Modern Apprenticeships are increasingly popular with employers. As well as creating a more responsive, motivated workforce through broader, transferable skills and self-learning, they may also reduce staff turnover by the implementation of career progression plans.
How we can help
Have you considered taking on an apprentice but been unsure of where to start? We can help!
Fife College offers a tailored service guiding you through the process of employing a Modern Apprentice.
Our Modern Apprenticeship team are here to help at every stage, ensuring that you and your apprentices receive all of the advice and ongoing support that you require throughout.
We can also offer assistance with your recruitment and selection process when taking on an apprentice.
Get in touch
Give us a call on 0344 248 0128 or email - we'd be happy to answer any enquiries.
We can help you recruit an apprentice in two ways:
You may already have someone employed in your company who you wish to develop further. In this case, you can contact us to arrange for one of our Modern Apprenticeship team to meet with you and discuss the most suitable Modern Apprenticeship for your employee.
You may decide that you would like to offer a job and training to a young person. If this is a job likely to lead to craft, technician or management level then the Modern Apprenticeship programme is a perfect solution.
We understand that the Modern Apprenticeship programme can impose an additional administrative load on employers, so we offer a Managed Service for Funded Programmes such as MAs. This is a package of training and services to support you throughout the programme from recruitment and selection of an apprentice through to workforce planning, funding and training delivery.
If you contact us with details of the vacancy, we can assist with the recruitment and selection of new Modern Apprentices by internally advertising your vacancies to our full-time students. We can also help you to select the Modern Apprenticeship programme best suited to your company’s needs.
Some benefits of the Fife College Managed Service approach are:
Account Management
Help with recruitment and selection
Support for employers and employees
Workplace visits
Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Organisation and delivery of high-quality training
Effective employer reporting systems and reviews designed to support individual employer needs
Administration of Skills Development Scotland funding and audit management
As an employer, you could benefit from Fife College’s direct access to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) funding which supports all Modern Apprenticeships aged 16 -19 in paid employment.
Modern Apprentices that qualify within this age band will have all the college fees paid by SDS funding. Funding is also available for other age groups and depending on the industry and the MA framework, there may be no contribution required from the employer.
We are happy to talk you through the funding process. Contact us on or phone 0344 248 0128.
Our skills and experience, combined with high-quality progress reviews, will enable employers to support their employees through work-based training. We are with you every step of the way and we will do our very best to find a Modern Apprenticeship to fit your company profile.
All Modern Apprentices have a personal training agreement where the employer and Fife College will work together with the Modern Apprentice to make sure that the plan is followed and the training agreement met.
If you are interested in our Modern Apprentice programme, please complete this form Or contact us directly:
Phone: 0344 248 0128
1You may already have someone employed in your company who you wish to develop further. In this case, you can contact us to arrange for one of our Modern Apprenticeship team to meet with you and discuss the most suitable Modern Apprenticeship for your employee.
2You may decide that you would like to offer a job and training to a young person. If this is a job likely to lead to craft, technician or management level then the Modern Apprenticeship programme is a perfect solution.
What help is available?
We understand that the Modern Apprenticeship programme can impose an additional administrative load on employers, so we offer a Managed Service for Funded Programmes such as MAs. This is a package of training and services to support you throughout the programme from recruitment and selection of an apprentice through to workforce planning, funding and training delivery.
If you contact us with details of the vacancy, we can assist with the recruitment and selection of new Modern Apprentices by internally advertising your vacancies to our full-time students. We can also help you to select the Modern Apprenticeship programme best suited to your company’s needs.
Some benefits of the Fife College Managed Service approach are:
- Account Management
- Help with recruitment and selection
- Support for employers and employees
- Workplace visits
- Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
- Organisation and delivery of high-quality training
- Effective employer reporting systems and reviews designed to support individual employer needs
- Administration of Skills Development Scotland funding and audit management
Is there funding available?
As an employer, you could benefit from Fife College’s direct access to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) funding which supports all Modern Apprenticeships aged 16 -19 in paid employment.
Modern Apprentices that qualify within this age band will have all the college fees paid by SDS funding. Funding is also available for other age groups and depending on the industry and the MA framework, there may be no contribution required from the employer.
We are happy to talk you through the funding process. Contact us on or phone 0344 248 0128.
What training do you provide?
Our skills and experience, combined with high-quality progress reviews, will enable employers to support their employees through work-based training. We are with you every step of the way and we will do our very best to find a Modern Apprenticeship to fit your company profile.
All Modern Apprentices have a personal training agreement where the employer and Fife College will work together with the Modern Apprentice to make sure that the plan is followed and the training agreement met.
How do I express an interest?
If you are interested in our Modern Apprentice programme, please complete our form or contact us directly:
Phone: 0344 248 0128