My name's Kathleen Farrell, and I'm currently studying the SWAP Arts and Humanities course at Fife College. 

I started in Valleyfield Community Centre in adult education, which I found out about through a cookery class that I took my granddaughter to. I decided to go because it was just after COVID. I thought, ‘My brain's a bit rusty. It could do with loosening up a bit’.  

I really enjoyed it, managed to get NAT 5s in numeracy and English, and thought to myself, I can really do this. So, I applied for a level 4 course at college and found that so interesting…so easy. A lot of it was Modern Studies. And then I thought, that was really easy, I'm going to jump a level. So, I went on to level 6. And I'm currently, as I said, doing a SWAP course, which entails psychology, criminology, sociology, history, English, and Maths, which I never thought I would be able to manage in 100 years. But yes, you do! The tutors here are brilliant. They help you through everything. 

Coming to college has been absolutely brilliant. Before I had a group of friends who were all similar ages to me. Now in the class, I've got friendly with loads of young people from ages 19 to my age. I made a really good friend who lives in the next village to me, who I would never have met unless I came to college and we're now firm buddies. We just got on so well.  

It's such a great environment. It's so relaxed. And if you have any problems at all, you can go to Guidance. If you have any learning difficulties, there's Inclusion, who are so helpful. This year, I found out I have dyscalculia and dyslexia, and I have had so much support. It's just phenomenal. There's nothing not to like at this college. 

I would say, if you're in any way unsure, just put your doubts away. Just come! It's not going to cause any hardship in your life. All you can do is progress and better yourself. What it's done for me is I've been able to give up my job in retail to concentrate full-time on this course with an end to getting a job in an office at my age, which isn't going to be as hard on my body. I would just say, go for it, because there is nothing to be scared of.