This course provides an introduction to all areas of the health and social care industry and is aimed at those who want to investigate the different types of opportunities there are in the sector of health, social care, nursing and other allied health professions. The course will allow students to understand what the sector has to offer and how to progress into the area that they feel passionate about.
  • Working with others
  • Problem solving
  • Communication skills
  • You will develop knowledge of individual and social behaviour and you will learn how to use this knowledge to support personal and professional relationships in the future
  • One year full time (2 half days of classes per week, and self directed study)
  • Mental Health
  • National 5: Care units 
  • Basic Counselling skills
  • Child development
  • Working with additional support needs
  • Other units relevant to practical skills within the health care and social care industry
  • The Core Skills of ICT, numeracy and communication will be developed and certificated on this course
One of the following: 
  • Four National 4s 
  • Completion of all units on another appropriate SCQF Level 4 course 
  • Level 6 Health & Social Care courses
  • Level 6 Social Science courses
  • Level 6 Social Services courses
  • Access to Nursing courses
  • Support work
  • Nursing
  • Counselling
  • Social care
  • Addictions & mental health worker
  • You will also be required to take part in a discussion where you can discuss your interest in health care or social care, and find out more about the demands of working in these industries and asked to complete an exercise or an activity.
  • Your personal statement in the application is very important, and is your chance to explain why you want to work in these areas.