Policies & key documents

Policies & key documents

Fife College is an Armed Forces-friendly organisation 

The Armed Forces Covenant is a written voluntary pledge from the nation to those who have served, and their families, which ensures they are treated fairly in their day-to-day lives. 

The Armed Forces Covenant relies on businesses, charitable organisations and communities to demonstrate their concern by actively supporting it in order to make the difference it requires. 

The government is committed to supporting the Armed Forces community by forming a close relationship with a range of partners who signed the Covenant. Over 800 businesses and charities have signed an Armed Forces Covenant, including Fife College, and the number continues to increase. 

Fife College is an Armed Forces-friendly organisation which ensures a fairly treated environment for employees and students. 

We encourage members of the Armed Forces community to declare themselves as such so we can start to build a healthy relationship with them. 

The Armed Forces community can contribute real value to a business as employees, who can bring a wide range of skills and experience, and also as customers or students. 

In support of Fife College’s Corporate Parent Plan 2021-24 the College is working in partnership with all public service bodies to increase its understanding of the types of support looked after children and young people may need to achieve success when undertaking courses and training. 

We are committed to ensuring care experienced young people receive the service, encouragement, and support that will empower them to follow their educational journey through to a positive and sustained destination. 

To help the College achieve this, a Corporate Parent Board (named the Care Experience Action Group [CEAG]) was established and its members produced the Corporate Parenting Plan.

Objectives include: 

  • Encouraging corporate parenting responsibility in all front-facing staff 

  • Improving care experienced applicants’ self-reporting 

  • Increasing care experienced students’ engagement 

  • Developing partnership-working with other corporate parents 


A recent review and evaluation of the plan has been carried out and has shown that the College is making good progress with meeting the objectives to support our students. 

The College's key corporate parenting achievements to date include: 

  • Taking the decision to include Care Experience as a Protected Characteristic to increase awareness of its importance in all College policies 

  • The introduction of a Care Experience Co-ordinator as a point of contact for all care experience queries and support 

  • Partnership-working has now been developed and links with other corporate parents in the community have been made providing additional opportunities for Care Experienced students  

  • Care Experienced students are clearly marked on registers to ensure support can be implemented if required at an early stage 

  • The Care Experience team now identify care experienced applicants at application stage to offer support throughout the process and ensure that the appropriate steps are followed 

  • Bespoke ‘Getting Started’ sessions run throughout the summer for Care Experienced students to build confidence before attending college 

  • Funding sessions specifically for Care Experienced students are held pre-course commencement 

  • Our front-facing staff have corporate parenting responsibility and have received training to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to support students 

  • Our Guidance team provides enhanced transition support to care experienced applicants on request and the option of having a named Guidance Adviser 

  • The FCSA have a remit for Care Experienced Student Rep

  • Working together with our students, we will continue to improve the college experience, and use feedback from current care-experienced students to further develop our systems and processes as a corporate parent. 

Fife College complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation as a data controller.  In order to ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with current legislation, it is held securely and is adequately protected. 

We have a range of policies and procedures in place: 

Privacy Notices 

To find out the personal data that we gather and store about you, why we need it, and what we do with it, please click on the relevant Privacy Notice below: 


Know Your Rights 

If we hold your personal data, you have rights in law. The document below describes these and how you can exercise them. 

Data Protection: Your Rights


Subject Access Request 

Should you wish to make a Subject Access Request to access personal data that we hold about you, you may wish to use the form below. 



If you have any queries or require further information about data protection please contact the Data Protection Officer at dpo@fife.ac.uk

Working for us 

The College uses equality data to understand our workforce profile thereby allowing us to target and support areas of under-representation, enabling positive action interventions and, by compiling trend data, helps inform future planning, and policies. 

Effective monitoring and use of the data also signals to staff and potential job applicants that the College is committed to equality and supporting a diverse workforce, which contributes to raising our profile as an inclusive College. 


Disclosing your Protected Characteristics 

When applying for a post at Fife College, all protected characteristic information such as Gender, Age, Sexual Orientation, Religious Belief, Disability, Ethnicity or Nationality will be removed from the application form supplied to the recruiting manager. Once a candidate has been appointed this information will be stored within the HR System and can only be accessed by the individual and Human Resources. 

When candidates are selected for an interview, they will be asked when confirming their interview slot if there is any support the College can put in place to enable the candidate to participate in the selection process.  This could range from alternative access to the building to having specific software available for skills tests. If there is something that will enable your participation in the selection process, please let us know. 

Fife College takes its moral and legal responsibilities on inclusion seriously. 


Equal Pay Statement for Staff 

Fife College reaffirms the principle that all members of staff receive equal pay for the same or broadly similar work, for work rated as equivalent and for work of equal value.  

The College will:  

  • Ensure that all pay practice applies equally to all staff and is best practice; 

  • Communicate pay practice to help members of staff develop understanding of how pay is determined; 

  • Undertake equal pay audits in accordance with any legal obligations and in any case at least once every two years; 

  • Provide guidance and support to managers where they make decisions on pay and benefits for staff; and  

  • Work within the National Bargaining Framework for colleges in Scotland including implementation of any agreed job evaluation scheme. 


Pay-gap information for gender, disability, and ethnicity are contained in the following report: Equal Pay and Gender Pay Gap 2024.


We are committed to the elimination of all discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity, and fostering good relations among all people. 

Contact Us 

We welcome all feedback. 

If you have any comments or enquiries regarding Equality and Diversity, please email us at humanresources@fife.ac.uk.


Disability Confident Employer 

The Disability Confident scheme aims to help organisations to successfully employ and retain disabled people and those with health conditions. 

Fife College has achieved Level 2 – Disability Confident Employer of the scheme and have made a commitment to – 

  • Actively looking to attract and recruit disabled people 

  • Providing a fully inclusive and accessible recruitment process 

  • Offering an interview to disabled people who meet the minimum criteria for the job 

  • Flexibility when assessing people so disabled job applicants have the best opportunity to demonstrate that they can do the job 

  • Proactively offering and making reasonable adjustments as required 

  • Encouraging our suppliers and partner firms to be Disability Confident 

  • Ensuring employees have appropriate disability equality awareness 


Keeping and developing the workforce - 

  • Promoting a culture of being Disability Confident 

  • Supporting individuals to manage their disabilities or health conditions 

  • Ensuring there are no barriers to the development and progression of disabled colleagues. 

  • Ensuring managers are aware of how they can support individuals who are sick or absent from work 

  • Valuing and listening to feedback from disabled individuals 

  • Reviewing this Disability Confident employer self-assessment regularly 


Our Equality Outcomes 2021-25  

Outcome 1. The proportion of students with a disability who have a positive outcome/experience is increased 

Outcome 2. Reduce gender-related differences in attainment and increase the minority share in areas of the curriculum where significant discrepancies exist 

Outcome 3. Increase opportunities for staff and students to be listened to, report and be supported should they experience or are affected by sexual harassment and violence

Outcome 4. Deliver on our commitment and declaration: ‘We Stand United Against Racism.

Outcome 5. Examine and address the interactional nature of protected characteristics, socio-economic disadvantage, and inequalities of outcome within the context of skills development and attainment

Outcome 6. Take action to ensure that the pivot to fully online and blended learning does not contribute to gaps in attainment or learner experience for those with protected characteristics. 


National Equality Outcomes (NEOs) 

Institutions are asked to consider the NEOs outlined in Annex B of the Tackling persistent inequalities together report, and outline their contribution, where appropriate, towards them as part of the 2021-25 Public Sector Equality Duty reporting cycle. 


Fife College Reports 

The reports below provide an overview of our efforts and achievements in embedding and mainstreaming equality throughout our functions. Such reporting is part of our requirement to meet Public Sector Equality Duties: 

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 gives you the right to ask for and to be provided with information held by public authorities, including Fife College. 

You can ask us for recorded information about anything including information held on paper or electronically.  If we hold the information, we will supply it as long as it is not subject to one of the exemptions in the Act. 

If you have queries about Freedom of Information at Fife College, please contact the Freedom of Information team, on foi@fife.ac.uk 

You can find out more about your rights on the website of the Scottish Information Commissioner. 


How do I make a Request for Information? 

Requests for information do not have to mention the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act, but they do need to be made in a recorded and permanent form. 

The easiest way to make a request for information is to email foi@fife.ac.uk; or to write to the Freedom of Information Team, Fife College, Pittsburgh Road, Dunfermline KY11 8DY. 

When making your request, please include your name, email address or postal address and a clear description of the information that you want.  

For detail on how we process your information please see the Access to Information privacy notice. 

Once a request for information has been received, we have 20 working days to supply you with your requested information or let you know why the information cannot be made available.  


Publication Scheme 

Fife College is also required under Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act to publish information and provide details of charges.  Our publication scheme is available at: 

Fife College Publication Scheme 

Fife College also has a number of subsidiary dormant companies. Links to those publication schemes can be found here: 

The Board of Governors and Management of Fife College not only accepts its legal duties of care as set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and subsequent legislation but also its moral and ethical obligations to staff and to all other persons who may be affected by operational practices and procedures. 

Fife College Board of Governors conduct its activities so that: 


prime consideration is given to the health and safety of its employees and all other persons affected directly or indirectly by its activities 

proper regard is given to minimise any possible undesirable effect of its activities on the student population 


Every staff member of Fife College has the responsibility to follow safe working practices and to have a genuine concern for the health and safety of all persons on college premises that may be affected by that employee's acts or omissions at work.  


Health and safety document

Eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. 

Eduroam allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop. 



Use of the eduroam service is subject to adherence to the following policies and use of the service indicates that you are in agreement to abide by these policies: 

Acceptable use policy


Further Information 

Further information on eduroam can be found on the eduroam website. 

Gender based violence is an issue in society that includes our universities and colleges. Research suggests that as many as 1 in 4 female students experience unwanted sexual behaviour during their studies. 

Colleges and universities are working to prevent gender-based violence. Here at Fife College, we believe that all members of the College community have the right to study and work without experiencing any form of gender-based violence, abuse, or harassment. Fife College will not tolerate gender-based violence in any form and we want to encourage staff and students to make disclosures and ensure they receive the support they want. 

The College has signed up to the EmilyTest GBV Charter which instils minimum standards and excellence in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention, intervention, and support in Colleges and Universities by asking, “would your institution pass the Emily Test?”

Gender Based Violence Policy


Support is available from the college:

For Student College Support: Guidance

Email: guidance@fife.ac.uk,

or Call: 0344 248 0115. (Mon-Thu 9-5pm, Fridays 9-4:20pm) 

Note:  If staff are facilitating reporting and providing ongoing support, they must take care not to share person-identifiable information on protected characteristics without consent eg 'outing' LGBT+ people;  disclosing pregnancy status.  Secondly, in instances where students who disclose or report any form of GBV, they will not face disciplinary action for breaching policies relating to:  drug consumption, underage consumption of alcohol, or academic misconduct.  This applies in cases where any breach relates directly to GBV.  For students on courses with fitness to practice regulations, there may be limitations to the non-activation of misconduct policies, as determined by the fitness to practice regulations.


For Staff College Support: Human Resources (HR) 

However, in an emergency call 999. 
If it’s too dangerous to speak, dial ‘55’ on your mobile when you’re prompted.  

For other GBV support and links to Specialist & confidential help.


The college has a Women's Community Group whose purpose is to get women together virtually or in-person to discuss all things relating to women's health and wellbeing. discuss the different subjects from the information sessions, listen to each other and support each other. 

Get in touch: email: womenscommunitygroup@fife.ac.uk 


Important: Please note that Fife College does not use non-disclosure agreements in cases of GBV. 

Procurement Strategy

The College is required to have and maintain a Procurement Strategy 22 - 25 as part of the requirements for the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, which provides a national legislative framework for sustainable public procurement that supports Scotland’s economic growth through improved procurement practice. 


The Procurement Team are responsible for ensuring the compliant purchase of goods and services to meet the needs of the College. 

We ensure that: 

  • Procurement regulations are followed 

  • We operate in a fair, ethical and transparent manner 

  • We achieve value for money 

  • We ensure that procurement activity is sustainable and delivers benefits to society, the economy and the environment 


Contracting with Fife College

Fife College is a member of Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC) Ltd which is the sectoral Procurement Centre of Expertise.  The College, where possible, will utilise existing agreements competitively tendered through Scottish and UK Procurement Consortiums and Centres of Expertise. 


Fife College advertises all tender opportunities above £50,000 on Public Contracts Scotland (PCS, the national procurement advertising in Scotland.  The portal may also be used to advertise opportunities below £50,000 via the Quick Quote functionality.


Contracts Register

Details of existing contracts in place can be on the Fife College Contracts Register 

APUC Limited is the Procurement Centre of Expertise for Scotland’s Universities and Colleges. For information on the latest contracts available to Universities and Colleges in Scotland, you can visit the contracts page on the APUC website. 


Sustainable Procurement

Fife College aims to meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis and generates benefits not only to the College, but also to society, the economy and the environment.  The College complies with the Sustainable Procurement Duty and aims to promote positive impacts and change.


Further information for Suppliers

All purchases made by the College are subject to the College’s Standard Terms and Conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing. 

The Scottish Government’s Supplier Journey provides guidance on how to bid for public sector contracts. 

The Supplier Development Programme (SDP) is a business support initiative delivered within each partner local authority, which aims to help SMEs, third sector and supported businesses improve their performance in winning contracts in the public sector and the wider supply chain, through offering information, support, training, and events to assist in navigating the procedures used in public sector procurement.


No Purchase Order / No Payment 

Fife College requires all orders for Goods and Services to be placed using an official Purchase Order.

The purchase order placed will provide details of the requirement, the delivery and invoice addresses, and will specifically contain a 2 letter, 7-digit purchase order number (FC0012345) which must be quoted on any invoice submitted for payment. Where an invoice is submitted without a valid purchase order number quoted these will not be processed or paid. 


Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding Procurement at Fife College, please e-mail procurement@fife.ac.uk 


Key Documents 

Fife College is committed to improving access and support for BSL users. Our BSL Plan 2024-2030 outlines our actions to enhance accessibility, inclusion, and engagement with the BSL community.

Click below to view the full plan:

Download the BSL Plan 2024-2030 (PDF)

For further information or to provide feedback, please contact inclusion@fife.ac.uk.