
Course taken:
Introduction to Data Skills Bootcamp for Women Returners

August 2023

I enrolled in this course due to the advert placed on Facebook that used two key phrases: women returners and data skills. However the fact that it was a free course was also a factor. Personally, I did not identify as a women returner until I saw it in the advert, and then I realised that this is myself; my demographic. 

The course was great. I found there was high engagement by the other people on the course. I think most of the participants (probably felt just like me) that we had to really ring-fence the time for ourselves to engage in the course. I think we all took the opportunity seriously. 

I used the course for my own personal confidence building, as an audit to build my confidence to see if there are any data skill areas that I needed more work on. Curriculum was wide and in-depth. I feel that my existing data skills are above what was presented in the course, but my confidence is low. I found it empowering to be able to audit my skills and see what I know and pinpoint things that I do not know.

I gained a great update on my data skills seeing the tools used in the course. I loved seeing the way the material was presented. The form including the articulate, menti app and chat GPT. There was one package of articulate material on data skills that the lecturer shared that I will return to as this was of great interest to me. 

I loved the wee exercises after each session to go over the Word, Excel and Outlook skills. That was confident building. I liked the length of the exercises, that the instructions were clear and prescriptive.

The lecturer was great. So relatable. I also loved all the examples she used. She was a good fit for the data course for women returners. 

Overall, I came away from the course feeling extremely pleased that I participated. I liked the fact I was taking time out to do so refresher studies and be back in a learning framework. I like that I was with other women returners. I liked seeing how the curriculum was put together. I like data, I like working with data, so I liked the theme of the course. 

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