Katie Bryant

Course Taken:
Acting and Performance - HNC 

January 2023

Meet Katie (subtitled) from Fife College on Vimeo.

I’m Katie and I’m studying HNC/D Acting and Performance. In first year you learn about the fundamentals of acting, so you learn voice, movement, acting and production. In second year you learn how to apply these skills to a performance. First year is more theory-based and second year is more practical. You get to do more performances and try out the skills you learnt in first year.

What I enjoy most about the course is working with my classmates. With acting you work on so many different pieces that you get to perform back to your peers. That’s one of my favourite things because it helps to build up your confidence even just performing in front of your classmates and work up to performing in front of parents and other people from the college, especially for a big production.

I love the atmosphere at Fife College. I feel like the step up from high school was definitely something I needed, and the atmosphere is professional and welcoming because there are people of different ages, and I’d recommend that you come to Fife College. It has helped me mature and to build confidence and it has helped me to interact socially around people.


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